About FUN 501(c)3

Food Uniting Neighbors is a 501(c)3 nonprofit located in Northern Virginia.

It was started by a 4 people with a common goal, to provide food for those with food insecurities.

As we got to know each other, we realized we each had unique talents to share and contribute to the success of this nonprofit. We consist of community activists, volunteer organizers, farmers, scientist, grant writer, avid gardeners, naturalist, and certified permaculturist. 

Since our inception, we have gained the support and guidance of others to help us on our way. If you would like to help, please contact us at FUNgardenFC@gmail.com.

We look forward to serving the community of Northern Virginia and sharing our bounty with neighbors and friends.

Sarah, Renée, Barbara, and Ronnie are a bit camera - photo on the way.

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A FUN-tastic Year in the Bee Happy Garden

FUN had another FUN-tastic year at Bee Happy, donating close to 2000 pounds of produce in 2024. It's been far too long since FUN provide...