Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Thank You Volunteers

This past Saturday FUN, in partnership with Food for Others, constructed a vegetable garden consisting of 10 raised beds and started our first annual vegetable garden at Peace Lutheran Church. FUN will grow vegetables this season but will surrender the gardens next year and serve as an overseer for gardening families from Parklawn Elementary School.

Heartfelt thanks and a collective hug to all of those who showed up on this beautiful, hot, spring day and worked so diligently to get everything accomplished. We had over 25 volunteers, including many students from Justice High School, who  were driving screws, assembling beds, installing  beds, shoveling 10 cubic yards of soil, pounding fence posts, and installing fencing.

FUN is so grateful for all of our volunteers! Believe us as we let you know how much we appreciate your enthusiasm and genuine dedication. Thank you for your incredible performance, your time and talents are priceless.

Wholehearted thanks to Food for Others for providing the lumber, screws, soil, and fencing. Your acts of kindness may be small but your impact on the community is huge. FUN cannot overstate how proud and grateful we are to work with you.

To all of those who showed up and all of those behind the scenes, we thank you for a successful event. Every drop of your sweat will go towards providing food for those in need, right here in our own community. All of the food produced in these beds will be donated to Food for Others, who will distribute it through their food bank / food pantry systems.

Watch the status of the garden as we post updated pictures on our website!

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